Haraam means prohibited and unlawful things according to Islamic law. It is directly opposite to Halal. The dietary principles of permitted and forbidden nourishment are genuinely clear to pursue. The principles for how permitted nourishment creatures are slaughtered are increasingly convoluted.
Islam imparts much in like manner to Judaism with respect to dietary principles, despite the fact that in numerous different zones, Quranic law is centered around setting up qualifications among Jews and Muslims. The similitude in dietary laws is likely inheritance of the comparative ethnic foundations of these Abrahamic religious groups.
Muslims are ordered by their religion to swear off eating certain nourishment. This is said to be in light of a legitimate concern for well being and tidiness, and in submission to Allah's standards. According to the Quraan, the following things are Haram in Islam:
Dead meat
Blood and Intoxicating drinks
The meat of an animal that has been sacrificed to idols
The flesh of swine
The meat of an animal that died from electrocution or blunt force
Meat from which wild animals have already eaten
Muslims from all over the world get the Umrah Packages from Sharjah or they can take Umrah package by bus from Dubai or Umrah Package by Bus from Sharjah and come to Saudi Arabia where the listen to different speeches about Haraam food and drinks.